gateways24-tapis-tutorial GitHub

Trustworthy, Reproducible Machine Learning with Tapis


  • 1.00 PM - Welcome
  • 1:05 PM - Introduction to Tapis (Joe)
  • 1:25 PM - Tapis Authentication (Gilbert) and Creating Tapis Systems (Anagha)
  • 2:00 PM - Break
  • 2:15 PM - Introduction to Natural Language Processing (Joe)
  • 2:30 PM - Running Tapis Sentiment Analysis Application and Jobs (Anagha)
  • 3:00 PM - Tapis Workflows, Pods and Tapis-UI (Christian)
  • 4.00 PM - Tutorial wrap-up

The resources you will be using today are provided by funding from the National Science Foundation:

Intro to Tapis

Intro to Jupyter

Tapis Systems

Natural Language Processing

Tapis Apps

Tapis Jobs

Jupyter Notebook