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Registering Credentials for a System

Now that you have registered a system you will need to register one or more credentials for it to allow Tapis to access the host. Various authentication methods can be used to access a system, such as PASSWORD and PKI_KEYS. Here we will cover registering keys first (this was the default authentication method we used when registering our Stampede2 system) and then registering a password.

Please make sure to generate a SSH Key pair on Stampede2. In the case of Stampede2, the HPC system automatically creates SSH Key pair when logging into Stampede2 for the first time, as such alleviating any need to create a SSH Key pair. A .ssh directory will be created and can be accessed. More information on the Stampede2 system and how to login can be found on this link If the system being used does not generate any keys, please generate a pair. After generating keys, head into the .ssh directory and run the following command:

ssh-keygen -m PEM -f id_rsa

Your keys need to be in PEM format. Do not enter a passphrase. Once the keys are created copy the public key to authorized keys file on Stampede2.
Keep the public key and private key handy, these are required for creating user credentials. For private key, it is recommended to get a one liner private key using the command below.

awk -v ORS='\\n' '1' private_key_name

It is important to note that these are case sensitive, and as such need to be handled with care. Copy and pasting between systems and languages can be tricky, it is a common error for the following step for the private key to not be able to validate due to hidden copying issues. When copying down the private key for the following step, make sure to copy all of the lines, including the -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n & \n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n and any newline characters.Without this, errors will occur.

Registering SSH Keys

Copy and paste the following code into your notebook.



  • <system_id> with the id of the system you registered in the previous tutorial.
  • <system_user> with the POSIX user name on the host that Tapis is using on the system (i.e., the effective user).
  • <private_key> with the private key for the host.
  • <public_key> with the public key for the host.

This should add a credential for the system. Tapis will use this credential any time it tries to access the system as the <system_user> user. Note that this might be different from your Tapis user name.

Registering a Password

Copy and paste the following code into your notebook.



  • <userid> with your username
  • <password> with your password for the host.

Next Steps

With our system registered with credentials, we can now use the Files API to manage data on the system.

Next-> Managing Data on a System